Start your hypnotherapy journey, today.
Hypnotherapy rates
No-obligation, completely free 20 minute initial phone consultation with Gosia. Designed to discuss your needs, wants and goals with hypnotherapy. Have your questions answered.
20 mins | $FREE | Call 0422 606 306
Free phone consultation
Introductory session
Remote or in-person introductory 90 minute session with Gosia. If in the first 30 minutes you feel hypnotherapy is not for you, you are free to go at no charge, with no further obligation and no strings attached.
90 mins | $225 | Get started
Follow-up session
Remote or in-person hypnotherapy sessions with Gosia. How many sessions you need varies on your needs, but sessions are typically weekly or bi-weekly.
60 mins | $150 | Get started
Multi-session saving
Remote or in-person, if you require at least three regular sessions, you can purchase this multi-session saving. Normally, $450, save $55.
3x60 mins | $395 | Get started
Hypnosis is the process of inducing a trance. Hypnosis is usually done with the help of a hypnotherapist using verbal repetition and mental images which allow entering the unconscious mind.
When you’re under hypnosis, you usually feel calm and relaxed, and more open to suggestions.
A trance is an altered form of consciousness in which a person is neither fully awake nor fully asleep. Sometimes a trance is referred to as “being off with the fairies”, “out of it” or “day dreaming”.
Some examples of an involuntary hypnotic trance include
• Becoming completely absorbed in a book or movie.
• Daydreaming and wondering where the time had gone.
• Driving to work, as if on ‘auto pilot’
• Daydreaming while doing a monotonous chore, like mowing the lawn.
A hypnotherapist intentionally generates this pleasant, calm state for therapeutic purposes.You will become very focused and able to concentrate more on the things that will help you solve your problems in this heightened state of awareness.
Hypnotherapy is a treatment that combines hypnosis and therapy. We've already discussed hypnosis, so we'll focus on the 'therapy' part.
Therapy is concerned with the mind, which is divided into two parts: the conscious and unconscious minds. When we think, we employ our conscious mind. It is logical, and we are conscious of our own thoughts and feelings. The unconscious mind exists outside of our conscious perception. It is the source of our habits, impulses, irrational beliefs, and some illnesses, in addition to its more favourable elements.
The therapist provides suggestions on a conscious level in most forms of treatment. The problem is that, while rational, the conscious mind is often defensive, challenging, overly critical, flooded by negative thinking, cynical, or skeptical of new ideas.Hypnotherapy is a unique treatment. When the client is in a trance, their busy conscious mind relaxes, allowing their unconscious mind to take over. Now the therapist can speak to a more receptive and focused unconscious mind in order to change old habits, thoughts, pains, memories, emotions, and so on in a deep and lasting way.
Hypnotherapy is not something that a therapist does to a client. There is no deception or magic involved. Although there are often magical moments when unexpected changes occur, hypnotherapy is primarily a straightforward partnership between a client who wants to change and a therapist who uses their talents to assist in the process. The results vary amongst people, however most clients see exciting changes.
If you have ever daydreamed or been totally lost in a film, book or a piece of music and if you have a good rapport and trust in your hypnotherapist, then, provided you have a desire to enter a trance, you can be hypnotized.
It’s very difficult to answer how many sessions each client needs in order to obtain good results.
Every client and their problems are different and many times more issues can come to the surface during the sessions.You and Gosia can negotiate how many sessions are needed, however, most issues take about 3 to 6 sessions.
For example, for a client with severe depression it may take ten or more sessions, however, smoking can be dealt with in one longer session.
Hypnotherapy can be highly beneficial for clients, but no hypnotherapist who is responsible and ethical can guarantee a cure or outcome.
It’s important to remember that all different kinds of therapies, be it hypnotherapy, reiki, cognitive therapy or chemotherapy have varying effects on different types of people.
Likewise, hypnotherapy necessitates a collaborative effort in which the client is actively involved and committed.
What Equilibrium Hypnotherapy can promise is that Gosia will apply all of her knowledge, expertise and talent tp helping you improve your life through hypnotherapy. -
Yes, Gosia provides remote hypnotherapy sessions over FaceTime, Skype or Zoom. Many people enjoy being able to undergo hypnotherapy in their own homes, though Gosia does recommend a quiet environment where you will not be interrupted.
Whilst it’s not how Equilibrium Hypnotherapy regularly provides services (which at usually at the clinic or remotely), Equilibrium Hypnotherapy can in certain instances make house calls for clients who either can’t come to the clinic and can’t use remote services. Please contact Equilibrium Hypnotherapy directly at: if you would like to discuss whether a house call would be appropriate for you. Additional charges apply.
You can fill out the form on this website or call Equilibrium Hypnotherapy to make an appointment. After your appointment is confirmed Equilibrium Hypnotherapy will send you a link to a Client-Intake Form that you will need to complete.
“Gosia, I will always cherish and be grateful for your generosity, your wisdom and loving support. Thank you so for much helping me out.”

Start your journey to a new you, today.
Your first 20 minute phone consultation is free!